
Rense Nieuwenhuis, associate professor in sociology at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), examines how family diversity and social policy affect poverty and economic inequality. Typically, his research is country-comparative and has a gender perspective. His recent focus was on single-parent families, how women’s earnings affect inequality between households, and family policy outcomes. In addition, he was involved in developing statistical tools. He published in journals such as Journal of Marriage and Family, European Sociological Review, Acta Sociologica, and Review of Income and Wealth. Recently, he co-edited the book ‘The triple bind of single-parent families’ and he is currently co-editing the ‘Palgrave Handbook of Family Policy’. Occasionally, he acts as independent expert doing commissioned work on gender equality for organisations such as UN Women, the European Commission, and the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).

BookMy PublicationsScience

The Palgrave Handbook of Family Policy

Dec 2020 Rense Nieuwenhuis
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